80% of Startups Fail Due Diligence

Don't be one of them.

Diligenced startups are 5x more likelyto experience profitable exits.

A failed diligence will add 1 to 2 months to your funding timeline.

Your valuationnever goes upafter due diligence.

How En Vérité Supports Startups

En Vérité helps you and your startup get investment-ready by providing the insights you need to confidently navigate due diligence:

We help you showcase the strengths of your startup investors care about most.

We help you identify the areas of your startup that investors are most likely to scrutinize.

We help you demonstrate your maturity as a founder and executive.

We help you showcase the strengths of your startup investors care about most.
We help you identify the areas of your startup that investors are most likely to scrutinize.
We help you demonstrate your maturity as a founder and executive.
Insights that help showcase the strengths of a startup that investors care about the most.

We help you showcase the strengths of your startup investors care about most.

Insights that help demonstrate founder fiduciary readiness.

We help you demonstrate your maturity as a founder and executive.

Insights that help identify areas of a startup that investors are most likely to scruitinize.

We help you identify the areas of your startup that investors are most likely to scrutinize.

Make Fundraising More Efficient

En Vérité makes fundraising more efficient by helping you and your startup rise above the noise and distinguish your company as truly investable:

  • Give investors data-driven reasons to say "YES".
  • Build trust with investors through transparency in your startup
  • Proactively address the reasons investors typically say "NO".
  • Set yourself and your startup up for success with clean books and a solid forecast.